Jan 01, 2019
Smiley Guirand

Today in History January 1st 2019

Happy Haitian Independence Day

In 1791 The Haitian had enough and rose in revolt. Toussaint L'Ouverture a former slave became their leader. ... in 1804 the colony declared its independence as Haiti , Only nation that transition from slavery in the new world.

The Haitian New Year's Day tradition of soup joumou or pumpkin soup is said to date back to January 1, 1804

So take this time to reflect on the freedoms that Haitians fought for back in the early 1800's. Find some soup Joumou, Find Some quality soup Joumou and celebrate. Happy New Year

We will focus on the economic sanctions Europe and the Americas but on Haiti at a later date. Sanctions that would cripple the country to this day!

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